The bake sale was a great success. We made over $500 from the baked goodies and the raffle. Thanks to all who contributed and who will contribute to this week's sale, too. There were great goodies: caramel brownies, rice krispie treats, truffles, brownies, banana bread, fudge, oatmeal scotchies, organic ginger molasses cookies, rum balls, chocolate chips, etc. There was also cards and some pet related books and such. People bought the smaller things first (with the exception of the caramel brownies. A woman tried that, ate it, and came back for the other pieces!) and then the bigger things.
The lemon cupcakes I made were not popular. Nor were Rick's Omega Balanced Oatmeal Flax cookies. People wanted sugar and fat in large quantities. The flax oatmeal cookies were like bake potato chips -- good for you but not as good tasting as the ol' standby. There are some of us who prefer to splurge less often with the real thing.... and there's some of us who splurge regardless. I digress....
I hope that we can be equally successful this coming weekend. So far, I hear we're getting fudge, snickerdoodles, oatmeal scotchies, chocolate chips, and some sort of cowboy cookie. I'm also planning to make some more sugar cookies and banana chocolate cake. I'm not sure whether I will make cupcakes again. :( In addition to baked goods, we'll also have cards, book bracelets, and baby onesies.
My office mate suggested I do a rummage sale. I have lots to contribute and I know that my husband has lots to contribute, but I think the best rummage sales occur on in more central areas. I also think the best rummage sales in this weather occur in garages, in case it rains.
I'm going to be checking with my friends (any volunteers?) about what they think.
We made 1/18th of the cost of Penny's surgery. Doesn't sound that exciting but that's way more than what we had when we began this endeavor.