Friday, February 13, 2009

Hydrotherapy with Penny

Lately, Penny approaches stairs from the side, which cause her to use more muscles to lift her body and I've noticed that her front elbows bend like she doesn't have all the strength necessary to lift her body to the stairs. So, I proposed hydrotherapy to Dr. Walker when I saw her for hopefully the last time. She said that hydrotherapy would be good for her and would help tone her. (I've also curtailed walking her as much ever since my physica therapist told me I had bunions. I am going to get that checked next week at the doctor's.) She also said that she'd enjoy it.

So, in talking to a woman from the MS Dog alias, she mentioned that she took her dog to PT after his two TPLO surgeries. (It's nice to know I am not alone.) She provided me with the names of the two places she used as well as to a link to the Association of Canine Water Therapy which lists their members and pools by geography. I read through the list and then read each of the therapists web sites and looked at their prices. I really liked how Rema Strauss wrote how she discovered the world of canine water therapy and how she continues to learn as she develops her clientele. She's also a lot less expensive than some of the other people. More than half as much as expensive. Plus, we full time guardians (I do not own Penny) can get into the water if we want, although she still want to do the supporting. I emailed her and we had a delightful conversation about Penny and her recovery. After that conversation, I felt comfortable with making an appointment to go out to Milton for hydrotherapy.

I guess I should explain about geography, too. Many of the well known hydrotherapists live in north Seattle or the East side and it's about 20 miles to go to them. So, when I find out that Milton was about 20 miles away, I thought "What the heck?"and made the appointment, knowing I'd have to drive about that far to go east or west.

I took pictures, but because the little pool is heated, all I saw was steam. Maybe I'll get some better pictures next week.

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