Gotta write quick. Penny's downstairs, resting on her bed in the X pen that takes up most my living room.
She was touching her toes on her operated leg. That may or may not be a good sign. What we don't want her to do is begin using that leg too soon. And, she may. Her right leg is a fraction more angled than her left, although it was the left that was operated on, due to her torn meniscus.
She's chewed a bone and a bully stick. I haven't wanted to give her med because they're every 12 hours and I didn't want to have to wake both of us up at 2:30 to give the meds.
I think she's hungry. I am about to take her out for a pee break and then feed her. Then, she can have her pill.
I did forget the antibiotic in my hurry to take her out of there. So, Rick is running up there after work to get them. I sure do appreciate him.