Monday, March 10, 2008

Every little bit counts

Yesterday, I went to see my friend, Barb's, art show at the UU church in Seattle. I hung out long enough to be asked to accompany them to an early dinner. Jane, Barb's partner, paid for my dinner and whispered, "Pennies for Penny." I'll transfer $15 into Penny's account.

Penny is doing... well, better. She's eating rice, cottage cheese, ground turkey and spinach. Still not real big meals so she is pretty hungry, but she's not licking her lips in a "my tummy's upset and I'm trying not to barf" manner. Since she's not eating much, she's not pooping as much, which is fine.

She's now suspicious of cream cheese, which is too bad. I used to be able to slather cream cheese on anything and she'd think it was a treat. But since those little horrid pain relievers that made her salivate, she looks at the cream cheese as if I'm trying to trick her. And I am. That's what I cover her stomach settling pills with. Two more days of that.

She's still not taking any anti-inflammatories and so her little eyebrows are wrinkled with pain. Tonight, if I see no signs of stomach upset, I'll give her the new pain reliever to help her sleep a bit better. This morning, we both overslept. Not used to Daylight Savings Time.

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